Cécile Gallea


Principal investigator

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Full time researcher (Paris Brain Institute), CNRS (Delegation Paris-B Ile de France), Paris, France.

The main thrust of my research is to study the functional networks involved in fine motor skills with a translational pathophysiological approach.

In particular, my work aims to test new hypotheses concerning the physiological interdependence of cerebellar, striatal and cortical circuits during learning. I focus on pathological models with specific striato-cortical and/or cerebellar-cortical dysfunctions (dystonia, essential tremor, Parkinson's disease), and for which the possibilities of non-invasive treatments are limited.

In the implementation of my projects, I use non-invasive neuromodulation of cerebellar inputs and neuroimaging/electrophysiology to record the effects of neuromodulation on the spatial and temporal characteristics of the interactions between the nodes of these circuits. These combined neuromodulation, multimodal imaging approaches are essential to extract information about the specificity of sub-circuit interactions and to develop new experimental therapeutics.

In the long term, the aim is to deepen our understanding of brain function at the level of the genesis of rhythms (the support of communication between the nodes) which condition fine motor skills, learning and brain plasticity.

Professional experience

2018-09-01 to present | Full time researcher (Paris Brain Institute), CNRS (Delegation Paris-B Ile de France), Paris, France.

2010-04-01 to 2017-09-01 | PostDoc (Paris Brain Institute), Sorbonne University (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, IHU-A-ICM), Paris, France.

2006-03-01 to 2010-02-28 | Post Doc (Human Motor Control Section), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda MD, USA.


2003 to 2005 | PhD Human Movement Sciences (Faculté des Sciences du Sport), Université de la Méditerranée, Marseilles, France.

2001 to 2003 | MSc Human Movement Sciences (Faculté des Sciences du Sport), Université de la Méditerranée, Marseilles, France.

1998 to 2001 | BSc Sports and Education (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives), Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France.

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