Decat Nicolas

Decat Nicolas


I am currently working as a research fellow at the Paris Brain Institute under Thomas Andrillon’s supervision. My research interest spans various conscious states in wake (e.g., mind wandering, ‘flow') and sleep (e.g., dreaming, luciddreaming, hypnagogia) which I investigate using EEG.

I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Science, majoring both in cellular biology (Lille University) and in neuroscience and cognitive psychology (University of Nebraska at Omaha). Following a summer internship in Siclari Francesca’s team(Lausanne University Hospital), I completed a Master’s degree in Cognitive Science (University of Trento). During the second year, I gained experience in Naotsugu Tsuchiya’s lab (Monash University), working on mind wandering and creativity. Then, I did a 6-month Master’s thesis internship at the Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Consciousness (University of Madison-Wisconsin) where I carried out an EEG study under Benjamin Baird’s supervision on the neurophysiological correlates of lucid dreaming. Upon graduation, I worked as a Research Assistant on a study introducing a novel framework for the classification of sleep, supervised by Naotsugu Tsuchiya and Thomas Andrillon(paper under review). Since September 2021, I am continuing this work at the Paris Brain Institute to facilitate EEG data analysis on several ongoing research projects on sleep and dreaming. I plan on starting a PhD program at Monash University by summer 2022, supervised by Naotsugu Tsuchiya and Thomas Andrillon, to investigate the neural basis of conscious phenomena during sleep.

Under Review (research article):

Beyond traditional visual sleep scoring: massive feature extraction and unsupervised clustering of sleep time series. Nicolas Decat, Jasmine Walter, Zhao H.Koh, Piengkwan Sribanditmongkol, Ben D. Fulcher, Jennifer M. Windt, Thomas Andrillon & Naotsugu Tsuchiya.


Under Review (Stage-1 registered report):

Mind-wandering and creative incubation: an online replication and extension. Nicolas Decat, Alicia Yokoyama,Jennifer Windt, Naotsugu Tsuchiya & Thomas Andrillon.

My current projects include the creation of a toolbox for the assessment and preprocessing of EEG data, the organization of a seminar on EEG analysis, and the development of an international database containing lucid dream data.

Young Researcher Award (French Sleep Medicine and Research Society, 2021).

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